Mils Bloggeh ;)

Mils Bloggeh ;)

Thursday, 25 December 2014

Merry Christmas

Just a little post to say Merry Christmas guys, it's been a great year so far so let's finish this year in the best way possible and make next year even better.
I apologize for not posting lately but I'm pretty sure you'll have noticed the makeover and video competition I was holding, and here's the finished product as a present to you all. The winner was Chickstar237 with Last Christmas. I hope to hold a new competition again soon so keep updated with my twitter, MSP account and this blog. Hope you're all having a great Christmas.  

All my love and best wishes

Monday, 20 October 2014

Christmas video competition

I get so many requests daily asking me what my next video will be and if you can star in it, well this Christmas is you're chance. Christmas is all about giving to others and sharing love so this year you get to choose what video I make! I'll be making an official announcement next week so we have plenty of time to organise this. Basically message me a song decision and if I like it you enter the comp (if I get a song mentioned more than once I'm afraid I'll have to go with the first person that suggested it). I'll narrow it down (with help from friends and polls to make it fair) to about 20. These 20 suggestions go on an art book and then get narrowed down to 10 by you guys. Each of these 10 receive a wish and the voting continues until I get the 5 most popular. Each of these 5 get added and receive a 2nd wish. The voting will continue until we get 3 finalists. 2 of these finalists will be background stars and will appear in the video (and credits). The winner gets a greet, their video is made and they become one of the main characters along with me and my close friends. You'll also get credited in the video. 
If you suggested the winning song but weren't first you receive an auto. You can suggest 1 song but if it's been chosen you'll get another chance to choose a song. If there's a tie I'll use a random number generator to make sure it's 100% fair. The sooner you enter the greater your chance of winning. I'll let you know when to start messaging soon. Good luck to all
All my love

Tuesday, 30 September 2014


So inspired by BFF week I thought that I'd do an Artbook for the occasion, however I couldn't fit everything I wanted to say onto one artbook, so I'll do a more detailed account here, 
Also to those that I'm close with that don't get a mention below, I love you all dearly, however it took me forever to write those I have below.

Mia317 (Maya):
Maya is my longest MSP friend and is my best friend outside of MSP. We've been through so much together and its only thanks to you that I'm still here today, you've saved my life so many times. You're my hero and practically my sister. We're unbreakable (Like Candi and Holly), no matter how much people try to separate us, it cannot be done so stop trying xD.

Wowbluespark (Mayah):
Mayah is my second longest MSP bff. I've written numerous blog posts about her before so if you didn't know already, I care for her deeply and will always stand up for her. 

Starlight20013 (Amy):
Amy is another of my close friends. I can talk to her about anything and she's my wonder woman, words simply can't convey how much this girl means to me. I've also done a post for her previously showing my love for her.

Princess770 (Erica):
I met you through twitter and you're my boo, my princey and my birthday month buddy (6 days apart :D) I can't explain how happy I was to meet you, without you I would have continued to believe the lies about the angelings and wouldn't have met many of those that mean the world to me now. We're so close and have many private jokes and dedicated songs. Love you so much Erica my lil boo.

Candi omg you're one of my best friends, I haven't known you as long as others but I'm far closer with you than I ever was with them. I can tell you anything knowing you'll understand and show compassion. You really care for people and are 100% not what haters say about you, you're a shoulder to cry on, loyal and kind. You're amazing to talk to and a great listener. I love you forever.

You're my amazing 4thie and an amazing friend. You're kind, imaginative and generous. You're one of the kindest, most understanding girls I've ever met. You've been through so much and are still standing strong, I admire you so much. I understand your relationship with Candi because both of you are so kind. Love you so much.

Tyler and Sapphire (Alex555 and Cleo55):
Losing you two in reals was the hardest thing I've ever been through, Tyler I love you so much, you're the greatest love I've ever had and I can't forget you. Saph, I've known you since I moved to England and losing you to Spain broke my heart. I'll never stop missing you. Love you both so fricken much.

My fellow Angelings:
There's so many of us that its impossible to name you all. You guys are not just my best friends, but my family. You're awesome, so much fun, and I don't think I could live without you. You mean a lot to me so don't ever change for anyone.
Also for those not angelings that believe the rumours about us, we're strong but don't start hate, we defend ourselves so please don't judge us <33

All my love

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Our Relationship

So pretty much everyone has noticed that I'm now 4thies with Holly on MSP, which I'm really happy about. But since she and I became 4thies I've had non-stop questions about why Tyler(Alex555) and I broke up. 
To be honest who I do and don't date is no one's business as it's my choice, so why we "broke up" is our business and no one elses. However if you look at who he's now dating you would realise that its my BACKUP account. A few weeks ago Holly asked me if I wanted to be 4thies and I agreed because I knew that Justin and Tyler rarely even logged into MSP so why not have someone on my profile that will be online and that I am close with?
Many of you will also know Tyler and I date IRL and whether we're still together or not is none of your business. However I did ask him before I made the switch and he agreed. So please stop asking the two of us why we "broke up" because we're sick of it. Also even if we aren't/weren't together we'll always remain best friends so stop trying to turn us against each other.
Plus if you keep asking me after this, be warned, my reaction may not be very nice.
Don't say I didn't warn you.


All my Love

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Stealing my videos is NOT okay!!

So recently I've received some tweets informing me that they've seen copies of my videos, so today I thought I'd check these claims out and not only was I angered by my findings but I was devastated and hurt!
I don't know how these people can think that its okay to take my hard work and pass it off as their own?
Would you take someone's essay, cross out their name and hand it in to get all the glory?
I hope the answer is no but what makes this okay?
And further more, there's NOTHING I can do about this.
I can't get the videos removed or copyrighted.
So please join me in showing these players how wrong they were, if you know those that made the copies tell them from me that this time they get away with it but if they do it again they will be sorry.
Check out the copies below:

My version

1st copy:

2nd copy:
The music at the start is even from my credits!!

Also to those copying, I don't use Bandicam and I ALWAYS credit my friends at the end.

Help me stop video theft

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Delay on New Video

 So most of you will know that I've been working on my new YouTube video and it was going to be finished this week, unfortunately I've had a major set back and will have to restart the whole process.
This morning I logged onto my computer to find a lot of my files had disappeared including all my videos and music for the overall video. I don't know why they disappeared but this means I will have to remake all the arts I used (due to me deleting them after they'd been recorded), record everything (due to me deleting the clips from my cousins IMac and the emails I used to send the videos) and start the video over. 
So I ask you all to be patient with me while I restart the video and I'll get it to you ASAP! 
Also I realize this post reveals the song so I'll post the YouTube video for the original song below.

Lots of Love and Apologies

Sunday, 20 July 2014


So you guys are probably reading this and thinking OMG how many posts does one girl need dedicated to her? Well in this girls case, there can't ever be enough, nor too many. 
Mayah (Blueey) and I couldn't remember when we became BFF's last year so we guessed and went with the 4th of July, which means we've been BFFs on MSP for over a year now. 
And even when it wasn't on profile we were bffs, Mayah was actually one of my fans back last year, not from YouTube or my blog, but from my movies. We spoke everyday and grew closer, one of those instant connections. Although we don't spend as much time together now we still love each other dearly. 
Someone one said "quality, not quantity" and our time together may not be huge these days but its got meaning, whether its just a casual chat or something serious. You're like my other half, and even if we have a minor fall out, I can't stay mad at you. We may not have direct statuses or anything to declare our love for each other, but it's still there. 
You're always there to support me, and I try do the same for you, You're kind and hilarious, your beautiful and an inspiration to so many. You're sweet and all round amazing.
You've got my back and I've got yours.
You were there to fight the bullies, and even though you don't think you're the best friend, you are. I've had many times where I've been ready to quit but I just can't turn my back on you and all our memories.
You may not want to admit it but I know you love me, I see the messages you leave while I'm gone.
I'll be away over the summer, I don't know how long for, if or when I'll be back and if I'll be able to be in contact or not, but just please remember, I love you. You're my BEST FRIEND, you're like my sister and if anything happens to you when I'm gone please message me, if I lose you, I'll never be able to forgive myself.
I may not have a million statuses, artbooks, twin looks, edits or pictures with/for you but it doesn't mean I love you any less. We may not be perfect friends, but we try, and that's what matters.
I'm so afraid of losing you, it terrifies me.
There is so much I could say but I've already said most of it on other posts.
And if ANYONE tries to hurt, upset or harm her in anyway, you better hope I don't find out!!

All my love

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Snowyx7- SCAMMER

 Yesterday I was saddened to get a message from a friend of mine mentioning that she'd been scammed (see pictures below). My friend was absolutely distraught, and I was further shocked to find another blog post by HollyRenee ( saying that the same user had scammed another of my friends.
Not only do I ask you to REPORT SNOWYX7 for scamming, but I also urge you all be careful and make sure that you can 100% trust the you're dealing with. 
If we all help we can stop scamming for good, and to all the scammers out there I ask you to STOP SCAMMING because it doesn't help anyone and actually just makes the game worse for everyone. 

All my love

Friday, 6 June 2014

Candi and Isha's friendship?

So everyone knows that I was away in May and I came back to the biggest surprise, Candi and Isha had made up and become friends. Since then I've received numerous messages asking if I feel pushed out as a friend of Candi and if this has affected us in anyway. No, Candi is a busy girl with many caring friends who are closer with her than I and she makes time for us all. Has this upset me? Not in the slightest, I couldn't be happier for my friends. I've been a fan of Isha since I first saw her in 3rd place back 3 years ago, Candi is a close friend of mine and the fact they've put their past behind them to become an even stronger force just makes me increasingly proud of both of these players. It takes a lot to go to someone you've been feuding with for 2 years, apologize and become friends. These two are the true role models which players should be looking up to. Both Candi and Isha have shown their maturity and their acknowledgement that friendship is more important than fame. 
Do I feel sorry for Roxy? Not in the slightest, in my opinion she got what was coming to her, after everything Isha did for her she back stabbed her, one of her closest friends, evidently Roxy has no morals or knowledge about friendship. She constantly made fun of Candi and wondered why she fought back? It's called self-defense honey. Honestly it's no wonder Roxy has hardly anyone left. I've always tried to keep up on her movies (I'm level 30 with over 1600 friends, give me a break), put her in my movies and sent auto's. This week she deleted me for no apparent reason, the only thing I could think of was the fact I was Candi's friend and that I was dressed as an angel,but did the deleting bother me? No because Roxy means nothing to me anymore, yes I was a fan in the past due to her friendship with Isha but she never helped me in the way Candi and Isha have and I hadn't seen the truth about how she was bullying Candi yet, I'd never met Candi and until I had I didn't know how kind she truly was. Everything I'd heard about Candi from Roxy and her little Rox was A LIE. Personally I don't know the situation with Alishak so I can't comment but I'm glad that Isha and Candi have joined forces for the better.
This is my opinion, I know we all have our own, but please respect mine, I won't tolerate hate or bullying on MSP or this blog so if you have nothing nice to say then stay SILENT. 

All my love

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Really Don't Care video

So I've been working on this for a while and thought I'd upload it here while I wait for it to go to MSP,
so enjoy

All rights go to: Demi Lovato at Hollywood records
And Lea Michele and Sony Records
All my love

P.S - Sorry for the lack of posts lately but I'm back and will upload new posts soon

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Be back in june

So many of you know I'm taking May off of MSP for personal reasons (please don't ask where I'm going, I'll choose whether or not to tell you), I will be sending a few messages via IMVU to close friends and I'll also be tweeting due to me having my phone with me however I will not be using MSP in this time because honestly I don't want the stress that comes with that game. My BFF Mia has agreed to come on my account a few times a week to collect messages and watch movies but she knows my rules regarding wishys, greets and adding people so don't try tell her what I "would do". 
I will miss many of you dearly however I hope you respect that I need to go away for my own good. 
Most of all I'll miss the great friends I've met or gotten closer to through IMVU.
Message me through IMVU if you wish
All my love

Saturday, 26 April 2014


So a few weeks ago I met Candi through her bff and my close friend Erica (Princess770) and we had an instant bond. We've become really close since then and I know I can tell her anything. Candi always understands and supports me when I come to her and I will always do the same back. We talk almost everyday and feels like a sister to me. I had heard a lot of horrible things about Candi and the angelings before I actually got to know her but so many of those rumors were wrong, Candi is so sweet and kind. If you try to upset her I will stand by her but she's so much stronger than many if you will know.
Love her so much.
Check out her blog:

All my love

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Happy Easter

Just a short post to say happy Easter to you all, don't eat too much chocolate and spend today celebrating in what ever  way you decide :) I'm afraid I can't come give you all eggs and hugs but I've already got the BEST EASTER PRESENT (see below,Lea favourited my tweet)!! And here's a picture of me, wishing a great Easter to you all.

(Best present ever!!)

All my love

Sunday, 13 April 2014

What (and who) inspires me

So everyone knows that I get mail from fans who call me their inspiration and comment on how I've changed their lives, which is the reason I play MSP. And I'm not sure if I've done a post like this before (most likely) but here's the main things (and people) that have inspired me. 
Sorry for the long post, added some new music to the player if you want something to entertain you while you read ♥


So if you know me on MSP or read my blog you know I'm a huge Lovatic. Demi is such a huge role model after suffering self harm, eating disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, and bullying since a young age. The first time I saw Demi was on as the bell rings on Disney Channel, then again in Camp Rock and Sonny With A Chance. At the time I  didn't have sky, but it was actually at my friend Jess' house (I was like 8?) and that night I went home and watched every episode of As The Bell Rings. When Demi released Don't Forget in 2008 my Mum was finalizing the divorce with my Dad which didn't really affect me but seeing my older sister cry (I didn't understand until I was older that they were tears of relief) broke my heart, when my Mum came home with the new album it helped me and my family to become stronger. When I was 13 I was diagnosed with an eating disorder and had started cutting, I was a train wreck, I didn't care if I died and I felt so alone. When I found out about what Demi was going through and how she'd fought to become stronger (going through rehab at 18) she inspired me to  get help and to help others. To this day I still suffer from cutting but Demi and her story really helped me see the reality of my problem, which lead me to try stop others from going down that path if I can. Demi has inspired millions across the globe, teaching us it's okay not to be perfect, it's okay not to be okay and it's okay to speak up and get help.
Sonny With A Chance also gave me an understanding of love and how it can over come almost everything if you both put in the same effort (Channy). 
So here's some of my favourite Demi Lovato gifs and quotes:


So I discovered Glee a few years back and although it's quite unrealistic a lot of the story lines are relatable; cheating, teen pregnancy, bullying, coming out, not being able to express yourself because of how others see you, the crush on a boy you probably will never get, being an outcast, and wanting something too much. 
But Glee taught me that it's okay to be different, it's okay to stand up for something you believe in and you can't judge people until you truly get to know them. Through the numerous story lines Glee teaches you that it gets better and that you shouldn't be ashamed to be who you truly are, you shouldn't stop believing in yourself  or your dreams because they can come true if you work hard enough for them. The different characters and cliques coming together shows you that friendship is more important than popularity and that you don't have to be perfect because "Being a part of something special makes you special". You shouldn't be afraid to be who you are or what you believe in. 

In Glee you see numerous love story lines however my preferred one is Finchel, Finchel showed me that you don't have to be perfect to be loved and that love comes in all shapes, sizes and ethnics, all it needs is one little spark. Also Lea and Cory began dating outside of the show, creating a tragic but true love story, allowing me to believe there is a true love out there for everyone.

Lea Michele is also a personal inspiration because she's doing something she loves and she's staying strong with the loss of Cory, releasing the album "Louder" (on the music player), with the song "if you say so" which were her last words to Cory. The song makes me cry due to the emotion behind the song but it's so beautiful. Lea is partially living her dream (without Cory), which leads me to believe that dreams are possible and that you don't have to be perfect to live them. Also Lea taught me that you don't have to be the traditional vision of pretty to be beautiful.
Here's some of my personal favourite Glee/Finchel/Monchele/Lea related pictures and gifs: 

So they're the main things that inspire me, feel free to comment or message me what inspires you.
Stay strong and don't forget to smile, whether you're perfect or not I love you.
Don't stop believing.

All my love

P.S Still need more questions for the #TMI video

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Never feel like you're not good enough

Everyone has moments when they feel like they're worthless, not good enough, second best, all we've all had them throughout life. There are points where we feel left out and feel the only way to feel better is to hurt others and stop their happiness. But this isn't the answer, personally I've messed up due to this, we hurt others too much and then there's no way back. We only have one shot in life and there's no reason to hurt others over our pain. Once we hurt others we end up hurting ourselves even if we're just trying to help, we feel like everything we do isn't good enough and that we mess up everything, as if we're poison. We just want to run but in reality we have to stay and face our mistakes. It can take time to heal this pain and I personally, if possible, don't want you to go through this. 

In the past I've done this so many times to one person in specific. I saw this person being happy with people who weren't me and I got jealous. I pushed them away and then blamed them for so much, pretending that it wasn't really my fault. This person always stood up for me and tried to protect me but it was never good enough for me (even though it reality it was), I just shoved it all back in their face. I saw them hanging out with other people, getting closer with them, taking pictures with them, as if they were trying to rub it in my face when it wasn't this at all. I constantly relied on this person and in my head they were selfish when actually I was the selfish one. I promised this person I would always be there for them but when it came down to it I wasn't, basically I screwed up. I saw them trying to protect me as jealousy and their other friendships as a way to push me out, when actually this person deserved better than just me ALL the time. This isn't me looking for a pity party, it's my way of realising I was wrong and my way of apologising to this person. Because I do love this person, no matter how much we fight. 

So like I said, don't take your pain out on others just because they're having a better time than you, but don't let it boil over, try to calmly explain how you feel and go from there, and don't feel like you're not good enough because each of us was put on this earth for a reason and we're all worth a life. 
Stay strong
All my love

Saturday, 29 March 2014

ATCHOO I GOT THE FLU?! +Other stuff

Atchoo I got the Flu?!

MSP are you taking the piss outta me just cos I'm ill? Cos it's not funny. I know it's not actually directed at me but in my opinion I don't really like this competition. Personally I'm just using it as an excuse to wear pj's on MSP

And I don't know about you guys but I'm super excited for the Spring Break competition, for a number of reasons.
Firstly, its the second competition I placed third in, secondly I love this theme and the outfits are normally awesome and thirdly it's gonna be the first competition I'm going to be entering in about 6 months.

YouTube Video and Series -

To all of you who are wondering yes I am currently working on both my series and a YouTube video, both of which are time consuming and almost impossible to make with the current about of MSP lag so please bare with me while I work on my video and both my series.

Level 28 -

So with all the excitement of the one year anniversary of this blog I forgot to mention that I leveled up on the 20th and can I give a massive thank you to Candi, Princess, Wowbluespark, and all my movie viewers (and those others who put me in their movies) because I'm already over a quarter of the way to level 29!


So like I promised, as soon as I'm well again I will be recording a video for you and I've decided to do the TMITAG for this video, so I need questions. Please comment below, tweet me ideas (@Millie317MSP) or as always message me on MSP. I can't do the video without questions.
+Congrats to Holly, Princess, Candi and everyone else for making Bunny day (yesterday) a great success, I personally can't wait to see what you're planning for next week <3

Thanks for reading
All my love

Monday, 24 March 2014

1 year of Blogging :o

Oh My God guys, so I've had this blog for a year now, and time has really flown. So much to celebrate and so little time D: Just a few thank you's to everyone who got my blog to 11100 views, my la la land to over 1000 views on actual YouTube and 21431 views on MSP, to all my twitter followers (755 I think) and my YouTube subscribers (63). None of this would be possible without you guys and I never really thought I'd keep this blog for so long or that it would be this popular. I had no idea how to celebrate this 1 year, party? Lag D: Messages to fans? So many of you <3 Show the real me and look back of blog? Let's do it. I was gonna record you guys a video but unfortunately I'm ill and have no voice at the moment so we'll leave that to another day, but below I will post some pictures of me (now removed). I also made a montage of different blog aspects (friend montage, header and background changes and most popular posts). Also I'd like to dedicate a message to all the people who are reading, I may not know who you are but thank you and I love you. And just a message to say I hope you've enjoyed reading my posts my beautiful's. So yeah, thanks and enjoy.

All my love
P.S feel free to tweet me, comment or message me on MSP <3

Monday, 17 March 2014

Happy St. Paddy's day!

Just a lil message to say happy St. Patrick's day to you all, I hope you all have the best of luck, and I send you all my love

Reasons why Never Judge A Spy parts are taking a while

Okay so I haven't made any new parts recently, but I promise you all I'm working on it and constantly am planning the story line. There are 4 main reasons for the delay on recent parts, the first being lag, we all get it, some more than others, I have 1602 friends, which are taking their toll on my account but please bare with me. The second reason being I'm currently working on a YouTube video for a song I'm very passionate about so this is slowing my progress a little as it's a high priority. Third reason is, like I've previously mentioned, I've been making the series "Believe in me" on my best friend's account, I've been making series, just not my main one (its like a secondary series that I've been meaning to make for a while). And the forth and final reason is that I haven't really been online much recently and therefore haven't had time to work on my series, however I'm currently working on parts 18-20 and these will hopefully be out Wednesday-Friday, don't lose hope in me, I promise the series will be back up and running asap.
All my love

Reasons to Watch Mia's series - Believe in Me

  • She's my best friend and this series is truly great
  • I'm the main character xD
  • Part 1 has exactly 100 views, all have at least 68 views and 4&1/2 stars 
  • Did I mention its amazing?
  • She's done so much for me that she deserves these views
  • I have her the idea...
  • Lets just say I got slightly bored of my current series and wanted to start a second series which ran at the same time.
So there's my list, thanks for reading and I hope you consider watching Believe in me - Mia317
all my love

Saturday, 8 March 2014

10,000 page views :o

Well I guess this post is just a way of celebrating my blog getting 10,000 page views
So I've posted the other social media sites that I'm on which I'm also celebrating on,
all will be linked below the picture.
Non of this would be possible without all of you, so
5 tumblr followers :'D

54 subscribers

701 views and 23 likes o.e



and finally the 10,008 views which I reached this morning

P.S if you click any of these pictures they have hidden links to videos

Stay tuned for more posts soon,
All my love