Mils Bloggeh ;)

Mils Bloggeh ;)

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Stealing my videos is NOT okay!!

So recently I've received some tweets informing me that they've seen copies of my videos, so today I thought I'd check these claims out and not only was I angered by my findings but I was devastated and hurt!
I don't know how these people can think that its okay to take my hard work and pass it off as their own?
Would you take someone's essay, cross out their name and hand it in to get all the glory?
I hope the answer is no but what makes this okay?
And further more, there's NOTHING I can do about this.
I can't get the videos removed or copyrighted.
So please join me in showing these players how wrong they were, if you know those that made the copies tell them from me that this time they get away with it but if they do it again they will be sorry.
Check out the copies below:

My version

1st copy:

2nd copy:
The music at the start is even from my credits!!

Also to those copying, I don't use Bandicam and I ALWAYS credit my friends at the end.

Help me stop video theft

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Delay on New Video

 So most of you will know that I've been working on my new YouTube video and it was going to be finished this week, unfortunately I've had a major set back and will have to restart the whole process.
This morning I logged onto my computer to find a lot of my files had disappeared including all my videos and music for the overall video. I don't know why they disappeared but this means I will have to remake all the arts I used (due to me deleting them after they'd been recorded), record everything (due to me deleting the clips from my cousins IMac and the emails I used to send the videos) and start the video over. 
So I ask you all to be patient with me while I restart the video and I'll get it to you ASAP! 
Also I realize this post reveals the song so I'll post the YouTube video for the original song below.

Lots of Love and Apologies