Mils Bloggeh ;)

Mils Bloggeh ;)

Sunday, 31 March 2013


Happy Easter guys with luv Millie317 & Mia317

-Millie317 and Mia317

New chat

Okay guys, im not slagging off msp but i think the new chat rules have gone too far,
I was trying to message a friend the other day and I wasn't even allowed to say "XOX"
I think it's ridiculous, you've probs seen the artys about New Zealand and Australia msp but 
it's starting to effect UK msp. I think we need to address this to msp and stop it 
before it goes too far! Who agrees?

Thursday, 28 March 2013

lol hey guys, at a friends tonight so wont be posting anything sorry, luv ya'll - Millie317

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

MSP PJ's!!!

 Okay, so do other msp users have pjs? Or is it just me and 
a few of my friends?
Plz reply..... Luvs yah


New bff guys |B 

Chat rooms

Me, Alex and Mia thought we'd take some pics for ya'll

Spring Break comp

Hey guys, I owe ya'll. I came 3rd in the spring break comp. 
Ya'll awesome and I love you all.
-Millie317 xxx

Monday, 25 March 2013

Thought i'd just show ya'll my new wallpaper

You guys like?

Right, so some of you asked to be on my blog;

So here ya are guys;
 Mia37, Dannii Hanna, Devil09878, LittleA and xXcheerleader19Xx
-Luv Millie317

Sunday, 24 March 2013

For a friend who had trouble deleting a blog

♥LittleA Commented on my arty =D♥

Check out Cleo's arty for proof
 Just a little FYI =D 

Some movie stars need to think....

My friend made this on my account because it happened to her on my account,
 but some people really need to think!

♥Just a lil thank you for all who voted for me in the comp♥

-Love Millie317